
Rights and Permissions

If you have any questions concerning the use of G2xbit trademarks and/or  the licensing of G2xbit copyrighted material (e.g., photographs, video footage, G2xbit advertisements or other G2xbit materials), please refer to G2xbit’s Guidelines for Using G2xbit Trademarks and Copyrights, or complete the online form.

For use of G2xbit copyrighted material in third party works (e.g., books or publications), if applicable, please include the information below.
Please note that upon receipt of your request, we may require additional information.

Infringement Claims

G2xbit will share your personal information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy. We do not sell your personal information to third parties. We may, however, share non-personally identifiable, aggregated, and/or public information with third parties. Additionally, we may share your game play data, G2xbit Studios ID, and/or unique identifiers specific to your device with third parties for the purpose of tailoring content as well as personalizing, adjusting and improving our services. In addition, we may share your personal information with other G2xbit Inc. group companies for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.


G2xbit allows you to control the way that we use personally identifying information that we might obtain. At the time you provide personal information, G2xbit may give you the option of declining any future offers or information about new products, promotions, or services. In addition, many of the "mailings" G2xbit may send you, such as newsletters, have procedures within them to cancel the receipt of any future mailings. Lastly, you may be given the opportunity to "opt-out" of certain features or functionality (e.g. Real ID). See the applicable feature's FAQ or information page for more details.